Elexon Electronics Spends $2 million on Industry 4.0 Equipment

"We love state-of-the-art equipment here at Elexon Electronics and one of our most exciting achievements from the past year is winning the government SICP grant to the value of almost $2 million — to spend on the latest and greatest manufacturing equipment."

The money went straight into upgrading our manufacturing facility with some high-tech new equipment.

The move comes as we transition into an Industry 4.0 world, staying two steps ahead of our competitors. By April this year, we’ll have our unique Industry 4.0 electronics manufacturing facility operational.

At Elexon Electronics, we believe achieving quality-standard excellence is absolutely essential. That part isn’t unusual, as lots of companies strive for excellent quality standards. The Elexon difference, though, is that we couple our unparalleled quality standards with world-class efficiency.

The transformation from a once conventional production line into an Industry 4.0 manufacturing facility, where the entire process is interconnected and communicative, completely transforms our capabilities and productivity.

For us, cutting edge computing is about more than just business support — it’s central to everything we do.

We use digital technologies to make our manufacturing more agile, efficient, flexible and responsive to customer needs.

The new additions to our manufacturing and testing facility are:

  • Flying Probe Tester
  • 3D Automated Optical Inspection
  • PCB Cleaning
  • Conformal Coating
  • Selective Soldering

With the new equipment, we have taken Elexon Electronics’ manufacturing and testing capabilities to a new level of speed, automation and quality — meeting the highest standards within the Defence and Space industry sectors.

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