Innovate Moreton Bay Podcast: Episode 22 - Renee Gusa & Nicky Young, Moreton Bay Region Industry & Tourism (MBRIT)

In this Innovate Moreton Bay Podcast episode, Steve catches up with Nicky & Renee from Moreton Bay Region Industry and Tourism (MBRIT). They unpack what are some of the biggest challenges our tourism industry is facing, the road ahead for recovery and what are some of the innovative things operators are doing to stay resilient through times of crisis moving forward.

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Applications now open for Startmate Summer22

In this Innovate Moreton Bay Podcast episode, Steve catches up with Nicky & Renee from Moreton Bay Region Industry and Tourism (MBRIT). They unpack what are some of the biggest challenges our tourism industry is facing, the road ahead for recovery and what are some of the innovative things operators are doing to stay resilient through times of crisis moving forward.

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Record Number Vie For Glory at Mayor’s Telstra Innovation Awards

In this Innovate Moreton Bay Podcast episode, Steve catches up with Nicky & Renee from Moreton Bay Region Industry and Tourism (MBRIT). They unpack what are some of the biggest challenges our tourism industry is facing, the road ahead for recovery and what are some of the innovative things operators are doing to stay resilient through times of crisis moving forward.

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My Berries partners with Arnott's to make limited edition Tim Tam

In this Innovate Moreton Bay Podcast episode, Steve catches up with Nicky & Renee from Moreton Bay Region Industry and Tourism (MBRIT). They unpack what are some of the biggest challenges our tourism industry is facing, the road ahead for recovery and what are some of the innovative things operators are doing to stay resilient through times of crisis moving forward.

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