Queensland Chief Entrepreneur's startup expo

Applications are now open for Queensland based startups to apply to be part of the Queensland Chief Entrepreneur's Startup Expo at BiiG 2022!

This years’ BiiG conference will be held in partnership between Queensland Treasury (through the BiiG Network) and the Queensland Chief Entrepreneur (QCE).

We are looking for up to 50 startups (25 for each day of the event) from across the State of Queensland to participate in the startup expo at this highly anticipated public sector innovation event.

But that’s not all! We’ll also be inviting 15 of the successful applicants to share their startup experience through a 3 minute “pitch” style presentation hosted by Queensland’s Chief Entrepreneur Wayne Gerard.

All the information you need is provided below and we ask that you please review this carefully before submitting your application.

Applications close 5pm Friday 18 March.

Applicants will be advised of the outcome by 1 April.


The QCE will play host to this inaugural startup expo, designed to offer Queensland startups an opportunity to showcase their innovative solutions to public sector leaders in a relaxed environment.

The QCE will select up to 50 Queensland based startups to participate on ONE day of the event, from applications received that meet the following criteria:

  • The business must be headquartered in Queensland
  • The solution must be market ready
  • The solution will benefit Queensland and local Government

Inclusions for successful applicants

The Startup Expo will be situated within the foyer space outside the main ballroom at the 2022 BiiG Conference.

Expo participants will receive the following:

  • *Cocktail table space (approx 1.5m x 1.5m) including two high bar tables, two stools and space for banner behind the table.
  • Full day catering for up to two (2) table hosts (we cannot accommodate more than two hosts).
  • Power board and access to the event wifi
  • One (1) pass to event sessions on the day of expo
  • Two (2) virtual passes
  • Inclusion in the virtual startup expo via the Attendee Hub

Note: We do not build structural booths at this event. Additional requirements such as hard wired internet connection, additional furniture or AV equipment are available directly through the venue at own cost. More information will be provided in the confirmation email.

Pitch event

In this fast-paced 1 hour showcase, Queensland’s dynamic Chief Entrepreneur Wayne Gerard, will introduce the BiiG audience to up to 15 local startup Founders who will share their startup experience through a 3 minute “pitch” style talk.

Wayne will weave the talks together and share his own startup experience.

Applications will be shortlisted by a small panel made up of representatives of the QCE and the BiiG Network.

Selected startups will pitch live during a breakout session being held in the main session room on the first day of the event (27 April). The pitch event will also be live streamed to the virtual conference audience.

How to apply

Simply complete the application form and submit by the closing date, 18 March.

If you need assistance please telephone Rebecca Hannan, Manager BiiG Network Queensland Treasury on 0407 817 690 or email biig@qld.gov.au

Apply now!

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