Regional Development Australia - Moreton Bay Seeks Committee Members

Regional Development Australia Moreton Bay Committee members wanted to help shape Moreton Bay Region.

Regional Development Australia (RDA) Moreton Bay is calling for nominations from highly motivated business leaders with a vision, drive and passion for regional development, to join their Committee.

RDA Moreton Bay is a not-for-profit organisation funded by the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, and is one of 52 such bodies around Australia.

Working alongside Chair Kelvin Patch and Director of Regional Development/CEO Julia Callaghan, Committee members will facilitate economic development opportunities and investment for Moreton Bay Region, creating jobs and growth.

RDA Moreton Bay Chair Kelvin Patch explains this is an exciting opportunity to form part of a national network made up of local leaders and play a hands-on role contributing to the success of the Moreton Bay Region and its economy.

“RDA Moreton Bay has a footprint that matches the boundary of the Moreton Bay Regional Council area which has been recognised as a region with one of the fast-growing populations in the country”.

“We’re looking for local business leaders to join our dynamic team, to support, inform and deliver on life-changing initiatives for Moreton Bay Region and the 29,000+ business that call it home.”

Prospective Committee Members will have had success in commercial ventures, or in a particular industry or in a public sector or not-for-profit organisation. They are supporters of creating jobs and regional growth.

“We believe that the stronger our Committee is, the stronger our communities and relationships with government become. Therefore, we’re looking for individuals that possess strong regional networks and can work at a strategic level, to apply to be a Committee member.

“This is a hands-on role suited to someone either locally based or with personal or business links with the region and is influential and experienced in economic outcomes.

“The successful candidates will undoubtedly have a passion for the success of the region and has the ability to support business and industry.”

The role is a voluntary position, with an appointment term of three years.

Women, people from Indigenous and diverse cultural backgrounds and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Applications are open now and applicant information and application form can be found HERE

Applications close 30 April 2022.

For more information, please contact:

Julia Callaghan
Director of Regional Development/CEO
Regional Development Australia Moreton Bay
0437 080 986

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