Schools Tech Challenge

Innovate Moreton Bay FIRST Tech Challenge

Thanks to Innovate Moreton Bay, Grace Lutheran College, and Bechtel Engineering, your school could win a robotics package valued at $2000!


Your school can win one of two robotics packages, valued at $2000.

To enter simply complete the form below and explain in 50 words or fewer why your school should win a robotics package.

Entries open at 9am on April 21, 2021 and close at 5pm on May 5, 2021.

The winners will be announced in the June 2 edition of Dolphins News.

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Innovate Moreton Bay FIRST Tech Challenge

Thanks to Innovate Moreton Bay, Grace Lutheran College, and Bechtel Engineering, your school could win a robotics package valued at $2000!


Your school can win one of two robotics packages, valued at $2000.

To enter simply complete the form below and explain in 50 words or fewer why your school should win a robotics package.

Entries open at 9am on April 21, 2021 and close at 5pm on May 5, 2021.

The winners will be announced in the June 2 edition of Dolphins News.

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Free business planning workshop series starting March 2021

Innovate Moreton Bay FIRST Tech Challenge

Thanks to Innovate Moreton Bay, Grace Lutheran College, and Bechtel Engineering, your school could win a robotics package valued at $2000!


Your school can win one of two robotics packages, valued at $2000.

To enter simply complete the form below and explain in 50 words or fewer why your school should win a robotics package.

Entries open at 9am on April 21, 2021 and close at 5pm on May 5, 2021.

The winners will be announced in the June 2 edition of Dolphins News.

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Chilli Coffee receives first award after just 7 weeks in business!

Innovate Moreton Bay FIRST Tech Challenge

Thanks to Innovate Moreton Bay, Grace Lutheran College, and Bechtel Engineering, your school could win a robotics package valued at $2000!


Your school can win one of two robotics packages, valued at $2000.

To enter simply complete the form below and explain in 50 words or fewer why your school should win a robotics package.

Entries open at 9am on April 21, 2021 and close at 5pm on May 5, 2021.

The winners will be announced in the June 2 edition of Dolphins News.

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